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Teen Startups

Empowering Leaders of Tomorrow...


Cutting-Edge Technology. 

Ground-breaking Innovation.

Sustainable Action.


LEAN Entrepreneurship.

Empathetic Leadership.

Inspiring Community Impact.


Listen and Learn From Industry Mentors...

Mentor Talks

Learn the nooks and crannies of entrepreneurship while listening to real-life stories and advice from industry experts and leaders, bent on giving back to the next generation. When you learn from the best, you become the best!

Become an Empathetic Community LeadeR...

Teen Internships


We welcome high school students (9th. - 12th. grade) or equivalent home-schooled peers to apply for our open internship positions! As ACF is a non-profit organization, we offer "volunteer hours" credit for our exemplary, high-performing, committed interns. Our interns play a significant role in bestowing technical knowledge, increasing our community outreach, and playing an essential role in the decision-making of the team they join. Pursuing a teen internship opportunity outside their regular sessions can be a wonderful way to reinforce and practice the leadership skills they learn during their startup journey.

Make a difference!









Some of our featured yearlong "teen-ternship" programs are as follows:

  • Monthly App Challenge

  • Silicon Valley Teen Tech Talk

  • Startup Ecosystem Monthly Newsletter 

Pitch Your Product, Reach Your Market...

Impact Pitches

ACF startup team classes are not just about learning and building in secret but walking straight to the den. Our teams pitch their products to direct stakeholders, investors, venture capitalists, developers, and key advisors. It's important to get over the nerves early! We are with you, at every step of the way.

Bond With Peers, Embrace the Journey...

Startup Ecosystem Coffee Chat

As empowering as it is, entrepreneurship can often be a lonely journey, with its ups and downs. However, our ecosystem of teen renegades and startup founders worldwide gets together every quarter over Zoom to discuss entrepreneurship and the latest technology, share market research, get college advice, meet industry mentors, and have life reflections. While bonding over their favorite beverages. Do you want to be a part of it, too?

Compete on the Global Stage, Win Laurels...


Exposure, Competition, Collaboration

Our advanced startup teams participate in global, reputed teen tech entrepreneurship competitions like the Conrad Challenge, Congressional App Challenge, Model Entrepreneur CompetitionBlue Ocean Competition, and Diamond Challenge, as well as ACF's flagship annual Future Impact Challenge, among others! This is a golden opportunity to not only hone important pitching, development, and collaboration skills, but also think critically about their product, share their innovation with top industry experts, and win laurels for themselves and the community!

Our Official Competition Partners

Congressional app challenge

Conrad Challenge

Empower Beyond Competitions!

We treat competitions not as the end goal of our teams' journies, but rather as a spark to do and share more! As much as emerging victorious in one or more competitions brings us jubilation, our true north star lies in cheering for teams continuing their startup journey, beyond the competition season. We empower teams every step of the way, including introducing key industry figures and interested early adopter customers to their products (such as our alumni team CityPlug's exposure to the Panama EV market, shared below).

Startup Ecosystem Newsletter

When our teen startup ecosystem comes together, our students discuss, create wonders, collaborate, and document their journey. This serves as a manifestation of their unique process while serving as a roadmap for future startup teams! One of the ways our teams achieve this is through a monthly "ACF Startup Ecosystem" newsletter, highlighting the significant benchmarks of our startup community, teachable moments, and inspiring north stars that push them forward.

Please email if you would like to receive future newsletter editions delivered to your inbox every month!

Read Past Issues!


  • Apply computing solutions to (learn by doing) real-world problems.

  • Collaborate on projects they are passionate about while mastering their technical skills to serve a community goal.

  • Practice time management, presentation, and leadership skills while participating in demo days, academic competitions, peer-to-peer presentations, international partner meet-ups, and other ACF community events.

  • Connect to industry experts, learn the latest technologies, and collaborate in a global community.

Who should join an ACF STARTUP TEAM?

  • 6th. - 12th. graders who have learned coding for 1 - 2 years and like to challenge themselves to solve real-world problems.

  • Someone looking for an opportunity to test the next-generation 'Elon Musk' ideas before college.

  • Someone who aspires to be a community leader and to solve their community's most significant issues.

  • Students who want to seize the opportunity to test their startup ideas within the global ACF ecosystem.

  • Students who want to participate in coding reviews and receive project reviews from a pitching expert in groups rather than coding alone.

  • Students who want to witness ideas from different student startup teams, participate in various presentations, and learn in an environment where they can encourage each other to grow.

  • Students who want to share the experiences they receive from running a startup on a blogging platform and use that for their college applications.

  • Students who wish to take their learning forward and empower others.

Previous and current ACF student projects include a GPS-assisted mapping tool specifically for firefighters, remote control ground drones for search and rescue, healthcare resource distribution software, a machine vision-powered driving monitor, and a multiplayer game to support small businesses.

Apply Today!

Form Application

Meet and Greet

Deep Tech Interview


Upcoming ACF Teams

If you are interested in joining one of these teams, don't hesitate to contact us at

What Do You Learn? How Do You Learn?

  • An ACF startup team journey typically lasts 1 - 3 years, depending on a project's scope, commitment, level, and a team's passion.

  • We divide our startup team process in the form of 14-week-long seasons, with a week break between two seasons.

  • ​Each startup team has two Coaches, namely- a head Tech Coach, and a Business Coach. Our head Coaches are industry veterans, with vast experience working within startups, big tech, and leading businesses, either as a founder or stakeholder. Our business Coaches are in charge of helping our team stay on track, leading important market research initiatives, and supporting immensely during competition prep season.

  • Outside of weekly classes, ACF provides personalized support to every startup team to find their niche market, and connect with key advisors, potential partners, stakeholders, and investors.

Phase 1 (Seasons 1 - 3)

Focus on learning and practicing technical and non-technical skills as a team, while developing camaraderie. Based on market research and common interests, brainstorm and ideate your project, discuss project goals and scope, plan and accomplish tasks, update progress, and combine efforts through collaboration. Develop a low-code or no-code MVP for user testing and product-market fit validation.


Teamwork, leadership, and ownership will be tested while presenting to advisors, stakeholders, the ACF community, and beyond. Your team may also choose to apply to any teen entrepreneurship competition like Conrad Challenge, Blue Ocean Competition, LaunchX, etc. for prep.

Team Building

Product Ideation and Validation

First MVP Launch

ACF Internal Community Outreach

Applying to Global Entrepreneurship Competitions as a Newbie

Phase 2 (Seasons 4 - 6)

Solid Prototype

Strong Leadership and Collaboration

Product Testing, Iteration, User Research

Applying to Global Entrepreneurship Competitions (National and International) As a Serious Contender.

Focus on intensive work, requiring your perseverance, technical execution, problem-solving, and prioritization skills. Team goals should be much more precise in the second phase after recognizing the initial prototype, surveys, and receiving feedback from direct market stakeholders, advisors, and experts. 


Start building a community of “early adopters” (locally and globally) for gathering important insights from market testing and user feedback to accelerate product development. You will also participate in multiple teen tech entrepreneurship competitions as a team. Hone important skills such as pitching, clear vision articulation, financial projection, ownership, critical thinking, and even handling rejection!

Phase 3 (Season 7 & Beyond)

Focus on pushing the project beyond the scale of a small team! Depending on the competition outcome and project scope, your team may collaborate with partner organizations, gain beta customers, file for patents, set up robust technical infrastructure, raise capital, seek investments, and establish legal entities to launch a realistic, sound business operation. Be a beacon for the community that supports you!


Social impact and non-profit teams may work with local and global partners, senators, and governing bodies to distribute and support their apps. Social media, blogging, vlogging, and viral workshop events are heavily promoted to build a project's community while establishing legitimacy and organic growth.

Soft and Hard Market Launch

Community Building

Business Leadership Establishment

Startup Journey Documentation, Content Creation


Current ACF teen Startups


Find your spot in upcoming teams here.

Alumni Team Journey


Our startup team graduates and alumni are equipped with the hard and soft skills they need to build a fulfilling career in STEM and business, be it through pursuing higher education in reputed universities, participating in industry rotation or internship programs, continuing their startup project, or founding a new company, doing research, or often, coming back to ACF as Gen Z mentors for new teams.

A good idea, a great product, and an awesome team culminate into a stellar startup if backed by enough resources! Many of our alumni teams, such as Mangopacks, CityPlug, BerriBasket, PyroTamer, VOBYUS, and Lucidity have successfully secured no-strings-attached funding, grants, competition cash prizes, and investments, to further their progress.

We work closely with teen entrepreneurship investors, venture capitalists, and partner organizations such as 1517 Think Fund, and others, and thank them for supporting future founders.

Grants and Funding to Give Wings to Your Projects


It is no secret that our startup team course hones not only your entrepreneurship skills but also your EQ, communication, STEAM, leadership, and collaboration- all highly sought-after skills for college and university admissions. Our alumni have often cited their ACF startup team experience as a deciding factor that helps their college applications shine. Even though we don't encourage the mindset of planning your entire future around a "dream college" but rather focus on your personal, career, and professional goals, it makes us very proud when our students make it into their target universities. We acknowledge the immense hard work, grit, and resilience that the college application process demands.


In addition to our startup team classes, we support our students every step of the way, to making a more competitive application!

  • Writing letters of recommendation for college, camps, summer programs, internships, etc.

  • "Customized College Consulting Service" with a seasoned educator and college counselor, to help the student best highlight their ACF startup team journey highlights, core learnings, teachable moments, personal achievements, and more! This includes support with making the college portfolio, exploring college majors, and creating college choice lists based on interest and mutual fit.

A Step Closer to Your Dream University


Customized College Consulting Service 

  • Support students in effectively leveraging their ACF (Technical, Entrepreneurial, and Outreach) experiences to distinguish themselves and become standout candidates for top colleges. 

  • Acquire invaluable perspectives to shape a unique and introspective story for their college application, essays, and interviews.

  • Facilitate the exploration of significant qualitative and quantitative ACF data that can be utilized on their college applications.

  • Guide students in constructing a personalized academic profile to identify a curated list of "Good Fit" colleges that align with their interests and aspirations. 

  • Aid students in establishing an effective organizational system and plan for tackling essay prompts and personal statements, ensuring a structured and coherent approach to their writing process.

Our Alumni Have Been Accepted


ACF ALUMNI Startup Teams

Support Our Startup TeamS


Are you someone who wishes to inspire our next generation of entrepreneurs, engineers, visionaries, and problem solvers through your knowledge, guidance, expertise, resources, feedback, network, or time? Through your support, ACF can empower our startup teams to land on the moon!


Call For Mentors & Coaches

Do you enjoy teaching, mentoring, and guiding students, while being a firsthand witness to their development, passion, and career growth trajectory? Do you have experience either founding or working on a successful startup? We are looking for you! Check out our "Careers" page!

call for Advisors & Speakers

Do you enjoy sharing your expertise and industry guidance with Gen Z entrepreneurs who are bent on changing the world? Do you enjoy volunteering in your free time? Check out our "Volunteer" page!

Call for Sponsors & Investors

Do you enjoy investing in our teens and our collective future, through funds, networking, investments, etc.? Do you wish to support our teams in launching their startups to market or reaching potential customers? We are grateful to you. Reach out to us at


Dohyun Yang, Eco Hero (Alumni Team) Leader

Harrison Zhu, CityPlug (Alumni Team) ML Engineer


"What do our students say?"

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some of the most frequently asked questions about our ACF startup teams:

  • How many students are usually in a startup team?
    Our startup teams usually consist of 3 - 6 members, simulating a real-life early-stage startup and ensuring a small class size for better learning. 


  • What is the typical duration of the startup team journey?
    An ACF startup team journey typically lasts 1 - 3 years, depending on a project's scope, commitment, level, and a team's passion. We divide our startup team process in the form of 14-week-long seasons. 1 - 1.5 years is often enough for a team to develop their working prototype, after doing sound market research and validating product-market fit. During Year 2, our advanced startup teams focus on applying to one or more teen entrepreneurship competitions. Beyond that, our passionate teams delve into launching to market, finding early adopters and beta customers, testing and improvisation, and improvement.


  • Who is eligible to join a start-up team class?
    Our start-up team classes are a great fit for high school students (8th. - 12th. Grade, or homeschool equivalent). We also have a junior startup team track for middle school students (5th. - 7th. Grade, or homeschool equivalent).


  • I don't have past advanced coding experience, but I am very passionate about applying. Am I eligible?
    Although having some past coding or computing exposure is recommended, having none is not a barricade from applying. Some of our students tend to take 1:1 coding sessions with ACF Coaches, in addition to their startup team meetings, to level up their coding skills fast! As long as you are truly passionate about your team, we believe you will find a way to contribute meaningfully.


  • I am not interested in coding, but am very passionate about the project. Are there other roles within the team?
    Like every real-life startup team, different members bring different ammunition skill sets. We have several roles available within the team, such as CMO, CFO, COO, community lead, etc., that involve minimal coding. We believe you will find a way to let yourself shine.


  • I didn't get accepted last time for the program. Can I reapply?
    Yes, absolutely! Although our startup team program is our most advanced track with less acceptance rate, we love go-getters. We try our best to provide feedback for every application, which can help you make a more relevant application in the future. Sometimes, we also recommend a member to join a different startup track within ACF, based on their skillset and match.


  • Do I need a startup idea to apply?
    No. The team will go through the ideation, brainstorming, and idea finalization process together, under the guidance of their Coach. So, no worries if you don't have an idea already.


  • Are classes virtual or in-person? Do you accept international (outside the USA) students?
    Classes are primarily virtual, with quarterly, optional in-person team meet-and-greets, to strengthen team bonding. There may also be additional industry visits, field trips, or market research opportunities in person, with virtual alternatives or responsibility ownership for students who cannot make it in person, due to geographical or time constraints.
    Yes, we do accept international students for our startup teams! We believe that talent exists everywhere around the planet. Many of our teams have members and team Coaches coming from different time zones and countries around the world, cross-collaborating.


  • Who are the startup team Coaches?
    Our true wizardmakers are our startup team Coaches! Each startup team has two Coaches, namely- a head Tech Coach, and a Business Coach. Our head Coaches are industry veterans, with vast experience working within startups, big tech, and leading businesses, either as a founder or stakeholder. Our business Coaches are in charge of helping our team stay on track, leading important market research initiatives, and supporting immensely during competition prep season.


  • I have a hard scheduling conflict- is it possible to reschedule a session? Can I miss a session?
    Our team class schedule is set at the beginning of every semester, based on the common availability of all team members and Coaches (with very limited schedules). Hence, we expect our members to respect the schedule as good team camaraderie. However, we know that life happens! We do allow students to miss a session in case of emergencies, in which case they may catch up via the class recording. The Coach will also make a special effort to help the member catch up with the rest of the class. We highly discourage class no-shows, without communication, which impacts the rest of the team. Class rescheduling requests (one-time or permanent) need to be made on the team's Discord server, at least 2 weeks in advance and will be accommodated as long as the rest of the team is okay with it.


  • What is your "Customized College Consulting Service" program for startup team classes? Is it mandatory?
    This course is most recommended for students who are either currently pursuing or have finished our “High School Startup Team” track, and who are preparing for their college application season. The course offers personalized 1:1 sessions with a seasoned lifelong educator and college counselor, to help a student best highlight their coding (namely, ACF startup team) journey highlights, core learnings, teachable moments, personal achievements, and more. Achieving success in prioritization, goal setting, and time management through the college application process hinges on obtaining a holistic view and discovering the personal motivations that fuel students' ambitions and objectives. Our students have often cited their ACF startup team experience as one of the most hinging factors that help their college applications shine! Our "Customized College Consulting Service" will ensure that students can customize their college application, according to their startup experience.
    It is not mandatory, but very beneficial. Be it through these sessions or autonomously, we highly recommend our students document their startup journey, either through an engineering notebook, personal startup journal, etc., for their future use (especially, university application)!


  • Does ACF provide training for participating in entrepreneurship competitions?
    For advanced ACF startup teams, we provide not only regular support with a team's entrepreneurial journey but also help them hone important skills required for competition success, such as pitching, Q&A, direct submittal work (e.g., video shooting and editing, critical thinking, articulation of answers, etc.). We are there every step of the way!


  • Are ACF startup team programs fee-based? If yes, what are the charges?
    Yes, our startup team courses are fee-based. Each class semester (lasting 14 weeks) costs approximately USD 1720 per student. We do offer need and merit-based scholarships to students who have demonstrated exceptional passion or merit, on a case-by-case basis. We do not want financial constraints to be a hindrance to someone's talent.


  • Why is the startup team program fee-based?
    Here are the key reasons why the ACF startup team program is fee-based:
    Expert Mentorship
    Our program is taught by industry professionals as head coaches, bringing years of tech domain knowledge (including the latest AI trends), and seasoned mentorship experience, which surpasses what beginner or intermediate courses offer. This makes the ACF startup team our most prestigious program.
    When the program is free or heavily discounted, we have noticed a significant drop in student commitment. Many students skip classes, leading to the team’s instability and a lower-quality experience.
    Active Outreach
    ACF puts lots of behind-the-scenes effort through global networking and resources to make our startup teams successful beyond the classroom. This type of global community introduction and engagement is powerful and extraordinary that normally doesn't exist with lecture-based programs.
    Competition Prep Support
    ACF startup teams have been successful with major international competitions (like the Congressional App Challenge, Conrad Challenge, Diamond Challenge, Model Entrepreneur Competition, etc.), and our startup teams have benefitted from these alumni teams' substantial records and advice. 
    Beyond the Classroom
    ACF startup team students can make the most of the startup opportunity through additional engagement programs at ACF, that are specially created for them to exercise their leadership, collaboration, and technical skills. Some of these programs include the ACF Startup Newsletter Team, SVTTT, and Monthly App Challenge (MAC). Find out more here.


  • Do all startup team projects get funded, post-graduation? 
    ​Like all real-life startup team projects, getting funding or investment is not guaranteed. However, a majority of our ACF startup teams have beaten the odds. Several of our past teams have received funding in the form of competition prize money, and no-strings-attached grants from venture capitalists or organizations. Through our annual "Future Impact Challenge", ACF also provides funding to our best startup teams.


  • How do you support your alumni teams?
    Our alumni teams join our vast, and experienced alumni startup community. We connect them with potential investors, stakeholders, and venture capitalists. We also invite exceptional alumni members with demonstrated leadership as mentors and sub-coaches for our junior and newbie startup teams. We are honored to also write LOR-s and program recommendations for our alumni.

If you are looking for more ACF-centric questions or want to contact us for more information, please head over to our FAQ page!

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